Source code for post_processor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May 19 18:18:31 2019

@author: Lee

# Modules will pull all of the temperature versus time data from the original runs

# Should put the data into HDF5 tables as discussed in class

# Create a rank of the maximum average temperature (on full pot body)

# This needs to be a more dynamic module with values stored for future iteration

#Data import test: for 3 example files, pull expected first value, last value, and middle value

import os
from os import walk
from os import path
from sys import path
import numpy as np
from numpy import hstack, vstack, sort, transpose, argsort, append
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import h5py

[docs]def data_import(): """input a list of filenames to be pulled, put out an array of temperature data. search the foamfiles directory for fnames that start with case_ and tally the number for looping through the file. loop through each and pull data from the files (3) convert to numpy arrays (4) store. Args: None Returns: dir_list (dict): Dictionary of directory titles in the 'foamfiles' directory that begin with string 'case_' case_list (dir): Dictionary of case file paths. Appended iteratively with dir_list entries. length_case_list (int): Number of excecuted case files existing in foamfiles directory list_temps (array): Populated with results from probing the CFD simulation around entire pot geometry list_velocities (array): Populated with velocity values written to "details" file in individual case files """ # navigate to the foamfiles directory current_directory = os.getcwd() #foamfile_steps = "foamfiles\counterFlowFlame2D\" #foamfile_path = current_directory + foamfile_steps foamfile_path = "C:\\Oregon_State\\Spring_2019\\Soft_dev_eng\\StoveOpt\\foamfiles\\counterFlowFlame2D\\" dir_list = [directory for directory in os.listdir(foamfile_path) if os.path.isdir(foamfile_path+directory)] print(dir_list) length_dir_list = len(dir_list) print("The length of the dir list: " + str(length_dir_list)) detect_prefix = 'case' # look for case prefix i = 0 # for looping case_counter = 0 case_list = [None] # empty vector print(case_list) k = 0 # case list indices while i < length_dir_list: if dir_list[i].startswith(detect_prefix): print(dir_list[i]) #case_counter = case_counter + 1 case_list_append = dir_list[i] case_list[k] = case_list.append(str(dir_list[i])) print("here is k: " + str(k)) print("here is i: " + str(i)) case_list[k] = dir_list[i] print("case list k") print(case_list[k]) k = k+1 #print(case_list, sep = ", ") i = i+1 # remove the final entry of the case_list vector case_list_length = len(case_list) print("case_list_length") print(case_list_length) omitted_value= case_list.pop(case_list_length-1) print("omitted value") print(omitted_value) print("Updated case list") print(case_list) # extract and go read data from each of the files """(1) Loop through the case_list produced, (2) pull the strings and (3) add to the correct file extension. (4) open and read the data in. (5) create tables in numpy (potentially). (6) return the arrays in the overall function""" length_case_list = len(case_list) print("case list length: " + str(length_case_list)) j = 0 Temps = [] Velocities = [] # reading in the 25-150 velocities list_temps = [] list_velocities = [] while j < length_case_list: fname = str(case_list[j]) # pull the case file name dir_steps = "\\postProcessing\\probes\\0\\" U_dir_steps = "\\0\\" U_fname = "details" Temp_fname = "T" full_path = foamfile_path + fname + dir_steps + Temp_fname # this will need to be edited for a more advanced file loc U_full_path = foamfile_path + fname + U_dir_steps + U_fname # varies for the cases (fname) with open(U_full_path, 'r') as f: # position 10 is the beginning of line 2 Velocity = f.readlines() # read line 2nd line print("Here is your velocity") print(Velocity) # seems to be working globals()['Velocities%s' % j] = Velocity # putting this into the Velocity matrix, renaming based on j to match cases list_velocities.append(globals()['Velocities%s' % j]) globals()['Temps%s' % j] = np.loadtxt(fname = full_path) list_temps.append(globals()['Temps%s' % j]) j = j+1 print("here are the list temps: ") print(list_temps) print(Temps1) type_Temps1 = type(Temps1) print(type_Temps1) shape_Temp1 = Temps1.shape print("Temps1 size (rows by cols): " + str(shape_Temp1)) print("Here is the velocity matrix for case 1") print(Velocities0) # solid # Concatenate all the temperatures """while the index is under the length of case list (# of temp vars) add the temperature arrays to a list (list temps)""" # Create list of the arrays """Temp_array_list = [] while x < length_case_list:""" # Validates the list_temp is a group of the arrays first_temp_list_entry = list_temps[0] print("This is the 0-entry in the list_temps situaton") print(first_temp_list_entry) print("Velocity matrix") print(list_velocities) return dir_list, case_list, length_case_list, list_temps, list_velocities
#dir_list, case_list, length_case_list, list_temps, list_velocities = data_import()
[docs]def average_pot_temperature(list_temps, length_case_list, list_velocities, case_list): """ Compute average temperatures of each of the case temperature arrays previously extracted with data_import() Args: dir_list (dict): Dictionary of directory titles in the 'foamfiles' directory that begin with string 'case_' case_list (dir): Dictionary of case file paths. Appended iteratively with dir_list entries. length_case_list (int): Number of excecuted case files existing in foamfiles directory list_temps (array): Populated with results from probing the CFD simulation around entire pot geometry list_velocities (array): Populated with velocity values written to "details" file in individual case files Returns: new_recarr (array): Numpy array where column 1 is case title (str), second column is velocites for respective case, and third column is computed average pot temperature for specific case """ #(1) loop through the Temperature probe data and pull the final row of the array. The first entry is the time step associated with the final row # Convert the list_velocities to numpy array list_velocities_array = np.asarray(list_velocities) print("List velocities as array: ") print(list_velocities_array) list_velocities_array_transpose = list_velocities_array.transpose() # convert case list to array case_list_array_empty = np.empty([length_case_list,1], dtype = "U10") shape_case_list_array_empty = case_list_array_empty.shape print("Shape case list array empty: ") print(case_list_array_empty) l = 0 while l < length_case_list: case_list_array_empty[l] = case_list[l] l = l +1 print("case list array empty") print(case_list_array_empty) #case_list_array = np.ndarray.transpose(case_list_array_empty) case_list_array = case_list_array_empty print("Case list array") print(case_list_array) case_list_array_shape = case_list_array.shape print("Case list array shape") print(case_list_array_shape) final_temp_row = [] # empty vector to be filled with the bottom row temperatures iteratively final_temp_row_matrix = [] # filling the full matrix with bottom rows iteratively final_temp_row_averages = [] # to be filled with the average temperatures of the final rows case_size = length_case_list # how many cases are included (-1 due to the 0 counting in python) number_properties = 3 # case#, velocity, avg temps to be included in the matrix final_temp_averages_empty = np.empty([length_case_list, 1], dtype = float) # Pulling the bottom row from the individual case x = 0 # setting loop condition while x < length_case_list: print("list temps before error") print(list_temps) # Pull the individual temperature array, pull dimensions Temp_array = list_temps[x] print("Temp array right before the error") print(Temp_array) [rows, cols] = Temp_array.shape final_row = rows - 1 # navigating to the final row of temperature array print("Final_row") print(final_row) final_col_entry = cols # last column of the array first_col_entry = 1 # skip the time stamp # pull the final row of the temperature matrix final_temp_row = Temp_array[final_row, first_col_entry:final_col_entry] # Add to the final_temp_row_matrix if x == 0: final_temp_row_matrix = final_temp_row else: final_temp_row_matrix = np.append(final_temp_row_matrix, final_temp_row) # Compute average temp_average = np.average(final_temp_row) final_temp_averages_empty[x] = temp_average final_temp_averages = final_temp_averages_empty print("final temp row averages") print(final_temp_averages) # Checking functionality if x == 0: print("here is the temp_array") print(Temp_array) print("print final_temp_row") print(final_temp_row) print("average temperature") print(temp_average) print("final_temp_row_matrix") print(final_temp_row_matrix) else: print("moving on from 0") x = x +1 print("x equals: ") print(x) # Append the temperature single column matrix with the corresponding velocities # Float results #float_cols = 2 #results_float_matrix = np.empty(case_size, float_cols) # String column (cases) #string_cols = 1 #results_string_matrix = np.empty(case_size, float_cols) # Data types for array dt = np.dtype([('col0', 'U10'), ('col1', float), ('col2', float)]) # first col is cases, then velocities, then temps final_temp_row_averages_array = np.asarray(final_temp_row_averages) print("final temp row avg array") print(final_temp_row_averages_array) final_temp_row_averages_array_transpose = final_temp_row_averages_array.transpose() new_recarr = np.empty([length_case_list,3], dtype=dt) new_recarr['col0'] = case_list_array new_recarr['col1'] = list_velocities_array new_recarr['col2'] = final_temp_averages print("new_recarr") print(new_recarr) test_value = new_recarr[2, 2] print("value (2,2) :") print(test_value) # This makes sense test_value_velocity = test_value[1] # take the center value from the list print("Test velocity pulling :") print(test_value_velocity) test_first_index = new_recarr[1] print("index 1:") print(test_first_index) test_column = new_recarr[:,1] print("cases: ") print(test_column) return new_recarr
#new_recarr = average_pot_temperature(list_temps, length_case_list, list_velocities, case_list) #def average_composition_outlets(list_GHG) """Take in a list of GHGs from a separate data import for the outlet nodes"""
[docs]def parse_and_sort_array(new_recarr, length_case_list): """ Sort new_recarr array based on velocities, return the array with a new name Args: new_recarr (array): Numpy array where column 1 is case title (str), second column is velocites for respective case, and third column is computed average pot temperature for specific case length_case_list (int): Number of excecuted case files existing in foamfiles directory Returns: array_sorted (array): Numpy array. Same data as new_recarr, but sorted based on velocities (least to greatest along column 2) """ # Algorithm: # (1) parse the array and create a parsed version case_vector = np.empty([length_case_list], dtype = "U10") velocity_vector = np.empty([length_case_list], dtype = float) temperature_vector = np.empty([length_case_list], dtype = float) print("shape of case vector") print(case_vector.shape) case_column = 0 temperature_column = 2 velocity_column = 1 #dtype='S10,f4,f4,f4' # Add the cases to column 1 # Loop through the new_recarr array, extract the case names and add them to column 1 x = 0 # looping index while x < length_case_list: entry = new_recarr[x, 1] print("Entry") print(entry) case_name= str(entry[case_column]) velocity_entry = entry[velocity_column] temperature_entry = entry[temperature_column] # Add the values to the empty vectors. case_vector[x] = case_name velocity_vector[x] = velocity_entry temperature_vector[x] = temperature_entry x = x + 1 print("case vector") print(case_vector) print("velocity vector") print(velocity_vector) print("temperature vector") print(temperature_vector) parsed_new_recarr = hstack((case_vector, velocity_vector, temperature_vector)) parsed_new_recarr_no_case_transposed = vstack((transpose(velocity_vector), transpose(temperature_vector))) parsed_new_recarr_no_case = vstack((velocity_vector,temperature_vector)) print("parsed new recarr after column assignments") print(parsed_new_recarr) print("parsed new recarr, no cases, not transposed") print(parsed_new_recarr_no_case) print("shape of parsed new recarr after vectors added") print(parsed_new_recarr_no_case.shape) """print("shape of parsed new recarr, no cases, transpose") print(parsed_new_recarr_no_case_transposed.shape)""" #arr[arr[:, 1].argsort()] array_transpose = transpose(parsed_new_recarr_no_case) print("array transposed") print(array_transpose) array_sorted = array_transpose[array_transpose[:,0].argsort()] print("array sorted") print(array_sorted) return array_sorted
#array_sorted = parse_and_sort_array(new_recarr)
[docs]def evaluate_optimal(array_sorted, length_case_list): """ The function evaluates the temperature and velocity data, and uses the information to identify where the optimals live within the range analayzed Args: array_sorted (array): Numpy array of sorted velocities (column 1), and average pot temperatures (column 2) length_case_list (int): Number of excecuted case files existing in foamfiles directory Returns: T_max (float): Maximum average pot temperature of all analyzed cases within foamfiles directory velocity_max (float): Secondary air flow velocity associated with maximum average pot temperature T_max_index (int): Index associated with maximum temperature. velocity_column (array): Column array with case velocities temperature_column (array): Column array with average temperatures """ # Find maximum temperature Temp_col = 1 # column with temperature data velocity_col = 0 # column with the velocity data # Find the maximum average temperature T_max = np.max(array_sorted[:,1]) # second column of the sorted array #T_max_index = np.where(temperature_vector == T_max) T_max_index = np.argmax(array_sorted[:,1]) print("Maximum Temperature: ") print(T_max) print("Index with maximum temperature: ") print(T_max_index) # finding cases and velocites associated with maximum temperatures velocity_max = array_sorted[:,0][T_max_index] print("velocity_max") print(velocity_max) print("max velocity entry: ") print(velocity_max) # velocity column velocity_column = array_sorted[:,0] # temperature column temperature_column = array_sorted[:,1] return T_max, velocity_max, T_max_index, velocity_column, temperature_column
#T_max, velocity_max, T_max_index, velocity_column, temperature_column = evaluate_optimal(array_sorted, length_case_list)
[docs]def plot_variables(array_sorted, T_max, velocity_max, T_max_index, velocity_column, temperature_column): """ Args: T_max (float): Maximum average pot temperature of all analyzed cases within foamfiles directory velocity_max (float): Secondary air flow velocity associated with maximum average pot temperature T_max_index (int): Index associated with maximum temperature. velocity_column (array): Column array with case velocities temperature_column (array): Column array with average temperatures array_sorted (array): Numpy array of sorted velocities (column 1), and average pot temperatures (column 2) Returns: None """ #fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(5,5)) # figure with multiple plots plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(velocity_column, temperature_column) # Temperature versus velocity plt.title("Temperature versus Case No.") plt.xlabel("Seconday Air Average Flow Velocity") plt.ylabel("Average Pot Temperature (Celsius)")
#plot_variables(array_sorted, T_max, velocity_max, T_max_index, velocity_column, temperature_column)
[docs]def compute_neighboring_velocities(array_sorted, T_max, velocity_max, T_max_index, length_case_list, velocity_column, temperature_column): """ Use the maximum data solved for previously to compute 4 new neighboring velocities Args: T_max (float): Maximum average pot temperature of all analyzed cases within foamfiles directory velocity_max (float): Secondary air flow velocity associated with maximum average pot temperature T_max_index (int): Index associated with maximum temperature. velocity_column (array): Column array with case velocities temperature_column (array): Column array with average temperatures array_sorted (array): Numpy array of sorted velocities (column 1), and average pot temperatures (column 2) Returns: v_cases_total_vector (array): Numpy array listing four velocities to be added to the case queue """ # Algorithm ==> # sort the new_recarr array # (1) Find the location of the maximum velocity within the case list # (2) Solve for 4 additional velocities with the following logic: # (a) If the maximum temp is based on an interior velocity value, add two new velocities greater than and lesser than the max # (b) If the max temp is associated with the lower limit velocity, compute three greater velocities, and one lesser # (c) If the maximum temp is associated with the maximum velocity in the list, compute 3 lesser velocities, and one greater # empty four velocity addition v_cases_added = np.empty([4,1], dtype = float) shape_v_cases_added = v_cases_added.shape print("shape of the added velocity vector") print(shape_v_cases_added) # (a) interior logic if (T_max_index != 0 and T_max_index != length_case_list): # 2 new velocities on either side of interior print("MAXIMUM TEMP IS WITHIN THE INTERIOR OF THE DESIGN SPACE") lower_velocity = velocity_column[T_max_index - 1] upper_velocity = velocity_column[T_max_index + 1] velocity_spacing = velocity_column[T_max_index] - lower_velocity num_values_between = 2 # number of velocities on each side of maximum delta_V = velocity_spacing/(num_values_between+1) # spacing # Lesser velocities v_1 = velocity_max - delta_V v_2 = velocity_max - 2*delta_V # greater velocities v_3 = velocity_max + delta_V v_4 = velocity_max + 2*delta_V v_cases_added[0,0] = v_1 v_cases_added[1,0] = v_2 v_cases_added[2,0] = v_3 v_cases_added[3,0] = v_4 print("Interior V-cases added") print(v_cases_added) v_cases_total_vector = v_cases_added if T_max_index == 0: print("MAXIMUM TEMP IS ON THE LOWER LIMIT OF THE DESIGN SPACE") # Lower limit maximum velocity--make sure we don't approach zero on the lower side # Greater side upper_velocity = velocity_column[T_max_index + 1] num_values_greater = 3 velocity_spacing = upper_velocity - velocity_column[T_max_index] delta_V = velocity_spacing/(num_values_greater+1) # spacing on the greater side v_1 = velocity_max + delta_V v_2 = velocity_max + 2*delta_V v_3 = velocity_max + 3*delta_V # lesser side---halfway between zero and minimum velocity velocity_spacing_lower = velocity_max - 0 num_values_lesser = 1 delta_V_lower = velocity_spacing_lower/(num_values_lesser + 1) v_4 = velocity_max - delta_V_lower v_cases_added[0,0] = v_1 v_cases_added[1,0] = v_2 v_cases_added[2,0] = v_3 v_cases_added[3,0] = v_4 print("LOWER LIMIT V-cases added") print(v_cases_added) v_cases_total_vector = v_cases_added if T_max_index == length_case_list: print("MAXIMUM TEMP IS ON THE UPPER LIMIT OF THE DESIGN SPACE") lower_velocity = velocity_column[T_max_index - 1] num_values_lesser = 3 velocity_spacing = velocity_column[T_max_index] - lower_velocity delta_V = delta_V = velocity_spacing/(num_values_lesser+1) # spacing on the lower side v_1 = velocity_max - delta_V v_2 = velocity_max - 2*delta_V v_3 = velocity_max - 3*delta_V # Greater side -- simply adding the delta_V v_4 = velocity_max + delta_V v_cases_added[0,0] = v_1 v_cases_added[1,0] = v_2 v_cases_added[2,0] = v_3 v_cases_added[3,0] = v_4 print("UPPER LIMIT V-cases added") print(v_cases_added) v_cases_total_vector = v_cases_added return v_cases_added, v_cases_total_vector